Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday: Slow down Mama!!! No Chance!

Today was another one of those crazy busy day's that make me glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow.  Laundry is being done (tonight hopefully we will finish the 8th load - but all that will need to be folded), the house that was cleaned on Saturday morning is already trashed, and we totally forgot to do Annaliese's homework.  That is terrible actually because she has 1 show and tell a month and we forgot that her's is Monday. 

This morning we had big pancake breakfast, followed by a very long church service (Palm Sunday), then I made lunch for everyone, I dropped Annaliese off for her playdate with a school friend, and while I was doing that Mark put the boys to bed.  I took this opportunity to head over to a friends house for some tea, the visit was way to short only about an hour and half, then I was back out the door to pick up Annaliese.  I quickly came home, changed and packed a snack to bring with us.  We were heading to hot yoga (PYC), and thank goodness for that!  Annaliese was in the little pretzels class and I was forced to slow down and put my energy in the flow. 

After the luxurious hour, it was back to the rush.  We had to get home asap because I needed to feed people (including my dad).  So it was steak on the BBQ, sauteed onions and mushrooms, steamed asparagus and roasted rosemary mini potatoes! But supper was late getting on the table, so bedtime routine was later than usual, and of course half way through we realized that we had forgotten to get Annaliese's show and tell ready for tomorrow.

By this point my nerves are shot and I want to get Annaliese to bed and worry about this project tomorrow. I wanted to write the teacher an apology note; but, Mark who teaches doesn't want to be "one of those parent's" and wants her to stay up even later to do it.  After a very heated debated (at like 8:30PM - already 1 hour past bedtime) we decided that we would take care of the picture part of the project and she would have to practice over and over in the morning. So 15 minutes later, all the kids are tucked into bed and on their way to la-la land!  Thankfully!  It's at this point that I realize we don't have "marshmallows" -obviously... it's my house.  Annaliese and I had agreed that she could bring in "des guimauves" to the kids in her class.  Since I was already in my pink satin pj pants, Mark got voluntold to go out and buy them. 

That pretty much brings us to speed.  It's 10pm, I'm drinking my tea and reflecting on my day.  I have to say that I should actually be exhausted but I'm in pretty good shape!  I think hot yoga, drinking tea with a friend and playing in my kitchen was what gave me the energy I needed.  It may appear selfish of me to "take off" from my family to do stuff for me, but honestly think of it as recharging my batteries in a productive and healthy manner! 

What do you do to recharge when you are having a "go-go, non stop kind of day"?

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