Sunday, April 10, 2011

5th Sunday of Lent: OUTDOORS!!!!! (finally)

I have to say today was by far the best family day we have had in a long long time.  First was our big Sunday breakfast (you know the regular), then off to church, today was coffee Sunday so the kids were excited to get timbits and juice (it's a nice treat for them), then back home for naps!!! 

sigh****  First let me tell you how awesome nap time is, second how much better it actually is when everyone gets a long nap (Mark and I included).  Then we woke up and were amazed that in the hours that we were sleeping the weather totally turned around from this mornings, cold and rainy, blah day!  Now it was +17, sunny and the garden wasn't too wet to plant.  

    Some of the baby veggie plants Mark bought, the rest he will plant from seed. We didn't find my Kale yet, but we are on the lookout.

    Mark in the garden, the kids playing dress-up (and a friend visiting).

    This is the face Patrick makes when I tell him to smile... He's such a ham!

    From right to left: 3 rows of onions (b/w rows are seeded spinach), 1 row of Brussel sprouts and celery, 1 row collards and broccoli, 2 rows of lettuce, 1 row of leeks, 1 row of seed heirloom carrots, 1 row of seed Boston lettuce)

    Luke playing Spider man in the tree house.

    My cutie pie!

    Ahh here I am making the roasted rosemary potatoes on the BBQ!

    First official meal on the deck: Roasted rosemary potatoes, steamed broccoli, steak and pork goulash in the dutch.


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