Friday, January 21, 2011

I've discovered the meaning of life... keep reading

Today was such an awesome day.  Even though this is almost the first time I've sat down all day.  Ok Ok, I know it's so selfish and I'm a teacher's nightmare, but just because I wanted to, I kept Annaliese with me this morning.  I know, I know!!!! She was supposed to be in school learning.  But she's been telling me for the last week that she's been too sick to go to school and I keep making her go.  So in my mind I know she's not really sick but she wants to stick around with us.  I don't want to "give in" to her when she is kind of telling a fib, or so I'm telling myself.

So today we were going to be late anyway because everyone overslept, including Patrick (my baby) who didn't get up till 9:30.    So I threw in the towel and asked Annaliese if she wanted to come with us to Ikea.  My awesome aunt Debbie sent me a message letting me know that Ikea would be having free kids meals today till Sunday.  So this was a win-win morning all around.  I slept in till 8:20, Annaliese got to hang out at home with us till 10 and then play at Ikea with her brother in the ball room.  I got to have "play time" with just Patrick (which rarely happens),  then the kids had their choice of lunch and I even let them (not Patrick though) have chocolate milk.  I sent her off to school in super good mood (for a half day),  put the boys to bed and cleaned the house.  I even got to catch up with some friends while I was tidying.

The house is clean (Yay!), I fed the kids turkey hot dogs for diner and now my little monkeys get 2 babysitters while Mark and I go to the first part of the marriage prep course.  I am such a geek, honestly I know I am.  Who else gets excited about weekend seminars and workshops!!!  me me me...  I took copious notes (as I always do), Mark listened (not a word written - as usual) and we talked!!!  I mean really talked and had a good time.  We laughed and made fun, and had a blast.  Everyone should try this as a date!!!  It's awesome.  (I can lend you my notes :) And tomorrow we get to do it all again. I think as two teachers, we could totally get into this.  And who knows next year at this time we might be teaching the marriage prep. course.  It makes me happy, because it's our time!  We don't have to worry about the kids, or finances or stress.  We really just get to focus ON US!!!... and the best part is (other than it being like a weekend getaway) is that it's free.

Now the other thing that has brought me total joy is the discovery (thanks to Maxine) of Tosca Reno!!!!   Eat clean diet.  I think it's more or less a lifestyle.  I do it anyway; but I'm in love!  The whole notion of clean food, less is best (less ingredients) totally fits into my Food Rules!  Here is a clip from YouTube!!! If you are as interested as I am, PLEASE let me know!!!!  We need to chatt about this awesomeness. 

When I'm this happy, I feel so alive, so energetic.  I have found things today that make me excited to be me!  I can't wait for tomorrow :) The funny thing is that "giving back to the community" seems more for me than anyone else.  It gives Mark and I a chance to connect.  We get to meet new people and build on our own relationship.  Relationships and connections make life worth living to it's fullest.  Everything other than relationships and connections are just noise or crap in the way of what really matters.