Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1: I want to sleep - ALOT!!!

Day 1 (of 40), which very awesomely ends on my birthday this year.  I have decided to give up caffeinated coffee and tea.  If you love me and those around me, please pray for me.  It was actually a hard choice between coffee and chocolate, sugar would have been too easy since I don't eat any refined sugar (as a rule) anyway.  But I'm confident I can do this, I'm under no illusions that this is going to be easy...  Ha ha, not a chance, I covet my hot black coffee, I go to it when I'm upset, stressed, when I need a pick me up, when I want me time and the list goes on...

This morning I managed to survive on only one medium organic black decaf.  It was good!  My only challenge was that by the time I put the boys to bed, the house was quiet....  The kitchen was already clean....  and my bed wasn't made... Yawnnnn!  Oh yes I climbed under my 3 blankets, covered my head with a fleece baby blanket (I'll explain that later), curled up and dozed on and off for about an hour and half.  Tonight it's almost 3hours earlier than I normally post because I didn't go to the gym.  Mark didn't like the look of the roads and told me to stay home, I have to listened to him because my driving on snowy roads cost us 600$ already this winter.  So not only did I not get my caffeine, I didn't get my energy boost from a workout, my lovely thoughtful husband brings home a piece of ice cream cake (the only crap I really let myself indulge in).  So these 3 factors are contributing to the fact that I can barely keep my eyes open as I type this, which I'm sorry about.  The sugar from the cake really did kick my butt tonight.  I can feel my pancreas working overtime trying to get all this sugar out of my blood stream, and the result of that is...  me in a sloggy fog!  (I must remember this the next time I am indulging)... 

nb: The reason I sleep with a fleece baby blanket over my head is because Mark keeps the house's temperature stupid low at night, I think around 13 or 14 C.  I got so used to sleeping with it on that when I lie down it's part of my sleep habit.  So yes, the only thing that you might see of me would be a nostril.  Because I need the tip of my nose covered or I can't fall asleep.