Sunday, April 1, 2012

Raw Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream (for breakfast)

So I told everyone that I would be going vegan AND raw today!  Ha ha, look at the date however.  I do love vegan food and raw food but I can't give up salmon or rice just yet!  But in honor of april fools I made strawberry ice cream for breakfast.  It was so good, I had to share most of it with my kids! 

So I did manage to get into my young coconut this morning.  Not too bad.  I shaved of the top, made a couple of holes (to drain the coconut juice), then used the bottom of my blade to crack the top off, then I just pealed the inside out with the spatula. 

I found these yummy snack at the local grocery store!  Awesome find if you ask me. The kids love them.  GF, Vegan and raw! score and 3$ a bag!

Hard to see what I mashed into my bullet, but about 1/3 of the coconut flesh, 1/2 the coconut juice, a handful of frozen strawberries, a tbsp of chia seeds, a scoop of vegetarian protein powder, juice of 1/4 lime and some water to fill.

Blend, scoop, serve with buckwheat snack.  (I actually got 3 cups like this) so my kids happily ate this all up!

Surprisingly creamy!  BUT no dairy, no gluten, no sugar, and vegan! 

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